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Squirrels are charismatic creatures that can bring joy and entertainment as they frolic in our backyards and parks. However, when these furr...

Squirrel Control Challenges in Different Seasons: Strategies for Each Time of Year

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Squirrels are charismatic creatures that can bring joy and entertainment as they frolic in our backyards and parks. However, when these furry critters start invading our homes or wreaking havoc in our gardens, they can quickly become a nuisance. Squirrel control becomes particularly challenging as their behavior and habits change with the seasons. In this article, we will explore the unique challenges posed by squirrels at each time of year and discuss effective strategies to keep them at bay.

Springtime Strategies:

As spring arrives, squirrels become more active and enter the breeding season. They may choose to build nests in attics, crawl spaces, or chimneys to give birth and raise their young. To prevent these unwanted guests, it is crucial to inspect your property for any potential entry points and seal them off. Trim tree branches that hang near your roof, as squirrels can use them as bridges to access your home.

Consider installing squirrel-proof bird feeders to deter them from raiding your feeders. These feeders have mechanisms that close off access to the food when a squirrel's weight is detected. Additionally, providing alternative food sources, such as corn or nuts, away from your home can divert their attention and reduce their interest in your property.

Summer Tactics:

During the summer months, squirrels tend to spend more time outside, foraging for food to stock up for the winter. However, they can still cause damage to your garden by digging up bulbs, eating fruits and vegetables, and chewing on irrigation systems. Implementing fencing or wire mesh around your garden can help protect your plants from squirrel raids.

To deter squirrels from climbing trees and accessing your roof, consider installing squirrel baffles. These cylindrical devices made of slick metal or plastic can be placed around tree trunks or bird feeder poles to make it difficult for squirrels to gain a foothold. Regularly harvest ripe fruits and vegetables promptly, as fallen produce can attract squirrels.

Autumn Approaches:

Autumn is a crucial time for squirrels as they prepare for the colder months ahead. They become more active, seeking out food sources and scouting for potential shelter. To discourage squirrels from choosing your home as their winter haven, close off any gaps or openings in your attic, eaves, or chimney. Remember that squirrels can squeeze through surprisingly small openings, so seal them meticulously.

If you have fruit-bearing trees, pick the fruits promptly to prevent squirrels from feasting on them and creating a mess. Consider utilizing squirrel repellents, which are available in various forms such as sprays, powders, or ultrasonic devices. These repellents emit smells or sounds that deter squirrels from approaching your property.

Winter Defences:

During winter, squirrels face scarcity of food, which often leads them to explore new territories, including your home. Inspect your property for any potential entry points and seal them off. Ensure that your attic and crawl spaces are properly insulated and free from any squirrel activity. Regularly check and maintain the integrity of your roof to prevent squirrels from gnawing their way inside.

To deter squirrels from your bird feeders, opt for ones designed specifically for smaller birds or install baffles that prevent squirrels from reaching the feed. Offering a squirrel-friendly feeding station away from your home can help divert their attention and reduce their inclination to explore your property.


Squirrel control requires a multi-faceted approach that adapts to the unique challenges posed by each season. By implementing the strategies discussed above, you can minimize the risk of squirrel intrusion and damage to your property throughout the year.

MDK Services is a trusted and reliable Squirrel Control Services company in San Angelo. With a deep understanding of the behavior and habits of squirrels, MDK Services offers comprehensive solutions to effectively manage squirrel infestations and prevent future problems. Their team of skilled professionals is equipped with the latest tools and techniques to safely and humanely remove squirrels from residential and commercial properties. For more details contact 325-658-3498.

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